CrossFit Movements
Here you will find a comprehensive video library for the functional movements we use in CrossFit.
At the top are CrossFit’s nine foundational movements. These will help you develop the skills you need to tackle the long list of functional movements listed alphabetically below.
A rotation of constantly varied functional movements in our workouts is an essential part of CrossFit. The more movements you adopt from the list, the greater the level of fitness you will ultimately forge. This should be looked at as a life-long pursuit and well worth the effort. Enjoy!
The Squats
The Presses
The Deadlifts
More CrossFit Movements
- The Back Scale
- The Back Squat
- The Barbell Front-rack Lunge
- The Bench Press
- The Box Jump
- The Box Step-up
- The Burpee
- The Burpee Box Jump-over
- The Butterfly Pull-up
- The Deadlift
- The Dip
- The Double-under
- The Dumbbell Clean
- The Dumbbell Deadlift
- The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
- The Dumbbell Front-rack Lunge
- The Dumbbell Front Squat
- The Dumbbell Hang Clean
- The Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
- The Dumbbell Overhead Squat
- The Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge
- The Dumbbell Power Clean
- The Dumbbell Power Snatch
- The Dumbbell Push Jerk
- The Dumbbell Push Press
- The Dumbbell Squat Snatch
- The Dumbbell Thruster
- The Dumbbell Turkish Get-up
- The GHD Back Extension
- The GHD Hip and Back Extension
- The GHD Hip, Back, and Hip-back Extension
- The GHD Hip Extension
- The GHD Sit-up
- The Glide Kip
- The Good Morning
- The Handstand
- The Handstand Pirouette
- The Handstand Push-up Variations
- The Handstand Walk
- The Hang Clean
- The Hang Clean and Push Jerk
- The Hanging L-sit
- The Hang Power Clean
- The Hang Power Snatch
- The Hang Snatch
- The Kettlebell Snatch
- The Kettlebell Swing
- The Kipping Bar Muscle-up
- The Kipping Chest-to-bar Pull-up
- The Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-up
- The Kipping Handstand Push-up
- The Kipping Muscle-up
- The Kipping Pull-up
- The Kipping Toes-to-bar
- The Legless Rope Climb
- The L Pull-up
- The L-sit
- The L-sit on Rings
- The L-sit Rope Climb
- The L-sit to Shoulder Stand
- The Power Clean
- The Power Clean and Split Jerk
- The Power Snatch
- The Pull-over
- The Push Jerk
- The Push Press
- The Push-up
- The Ring Dip
- The Ring Push-up
- The Ring Row
- The Rope Climb (Basket)
- The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
- The Row
- The Shoot-through
- The Shoulder Press
- The Single-leg Squat (Pistol)
- The Single-under
- The Skin the Cat
- The Slam Ball
- The Snatch
- The Snatch Balance
- The Sots Press
- The Split Clean
- The Split Jerk
- The Split Snatch
- The Straddle Press to Handstand
- The Strict Bar Muscle-up
- The Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-up
- The Strict Handstand Push-up
- The Strict Knees-to-elbows
- The Strict Muscle-up
- The Strict Pull-up
- The Strict Toes-to-bar
- The Strict Toes-to-rings
- The Sumo Deadlift
- The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- The Swing to Backward Roll to Support