
    • Obtain your Level 1 Certificate
    • Pay the Application Fee (US$1,000)
    • Complete the Affiliate Application:
      • Provide the address of your affiliate location
      • Submit proof of insurance (U.S. requirement only)
      • Submit your request for your affiliate name (must be approved by CrossFit, LLC)
      • Set up monthly payment of the Affiliate Fee
      • E-sign the license agreement

    For more detailed information, check out CrossFit.com or email affiliatesupport@crossfit.com.

  • Read the Requirements section on our How to Affiliate page.

  • There is an initial payment of US$1,000 for the application fee. Once your affiliate application is approved, the annual affiliate fee is US$4,500 and the fee is payable in monthly payments.

  • Yes. By affiliating, you are licensing the CrossFit name and making it legal to use that name. Whether you’re making a profit or not, we still require an official affiliation.

  • Yes. We have affiliates all over the world.

  • Yes. We do not limit the number of affiliates in any given area.

  • No. Our affiliates are a community of legitimate fitness practitioners pooling reliable sources. Each affiliate is independently owned and operated.

  • No. You will, however, need one physical location. We do not license mobile affiliates.

  • You may own the domain, but the use of “CrossFit” in your domain is unlicensed and illegal, and CrossFit, LLC can legally force you to give it up. CrossFit only acknowledges the URL of the name that you have licensed from us.

  • No. Only CrossFit, LLC can credential trainers. The only way to obtain a CrossFit credential is through CrossFit Training. Visit CrossFit Trainer Courses and CrossFit Certifications for more info.



  • You can link to anything on CrossFit, LLC sites, but you cannot download material and host it on your own site (e.g., videos, articles, etc.).

    You are encouraged to create your own T-shirts featuring your licensed affiliate name and creative slogans. Logos and/or slogans associated with CrossFit, LLC or CrossFit.com may not be used without prior permission.

    As an affiliate, you can and should say that you use CrossFit methods and that you’re part of the extended CrossFit family, but you may not represent yourself directly or indirectly as a representative of CrossFit.com or CrossFit, LLC

  • You can call yourself a CrossFit trainer. You may list your CrossFit qualifications on a business card, resume, or website bio/qualifications type of page. Nothing more.

    You cannot use the CrossFit name in any other business or promotional way unless you affiliate. Only affiliation gives you the legal right to use the CrossFit name for business and/or promotional purposes.

    The Level 1 Trainer Certificate License Agreement is explained on page 166 of the “CrossFit Level 1 Training Guide.”

  • Anyone coaching a CrossFit class must hold a current CrossFit Level 1 Certificate or higher.

  • Basic guidelines are as follows: no continents, countries, provinces, regions, states, counties, large cities, religious references, movie names, celebrity names, personal names, trademarked names, government agencies, or names that are already taken.

  • Yes.

  • Whatever you can get your hands on! Thousands of great gyms have started with a fully decked-out gym or just a few barbells.

    Have a garage gym? CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman wrote the definitive article on converting your garage into a world-class strength-and-conditioning facility. Read it here. Read his follow-up article here.

    Rogue is the official equipment supplier of CrossFit and “remains dedicated to serving the needs of serious athletes at every level.” For years, Rogue has outfitted a range of fitness spaces from garage gyms to CrossFit affiliates, and even competition arenas. We recommend, trust, and use their equipment throughout our sport’s season. Visit Rogue

  • Absolutely. If you think you’ve got a good video, please contact content@crossfit.com.

    To be considered for publication on our websites, please submit photos via https://www.crossfit.com/submit-photo.

  • Yes.

  • We love that affiliates hold competitions and would like to do everything we can to encourage such events. When planning your competition, please keep in mind these simple rules:

    • Please avoid the use of the words “Games,” “Open,” “Sanctionals” or “Regional,” so there is no confusion with official CrossFit, LLC-sponsored or licensed events.
    • Please do not use CrossFit, LLC logos or artwork when promoting/advertising your affiliate event. Again, we’re trying to avoid confusion with CrossFit, LLC-sponsored or licensed events.
    • Use of the trademark “CrossFit” is not allowed in the title of any event. It may only be used to refer to the affiliate hosting the event. Acceptable: Fitness Challenge brought to you by Watertown CrossFit. Unacceptable: CrossFit Watertown Challenge, CrossFit Northeast Challenge, CrossFit Challenge, CrossFit Northeast Games. Also acceptable: Connecticut Fitness Throwdown brought to you by CrossFit Watertown.
    • Run a great event, have fun, and send us photos so we can share your good times with the community.
  • Yes. As of 2021, one CF-L1 may own multiple locations. Email affiliatesupport@crossfit.com for more information.

  • Yes.