Tuesday 240917

In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

♀ 35-lb dumbbells and 115-lb barbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbells and 165-lb barbell

Post total calories rowed in comments.

Today’s workout is interval based. Your score is the total calories rowed over 4 rounds. The work-to-rest ratio is two to one. The dumbbell bench presses should be completed in 2 sets at the most. The back squat should be taken from a rack, and the load should be moderate so you can complete all 9 reps unbroken. For the dumbbell snatches, focus on smooth, efficient movement. Try to recover and avoid being explosive. Check the clock as you get on the rower for the first round, and use that as a goal to match that for the additional rounds. Aim to have 1 minute to 90 seconds on the rower each round.

Intermediate option:
In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

25-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbell
45-lb dumbbells and 135-lb barbell

Beginner option:
In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.

20-lb dumbbells and 65-lb barbell
35-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbell

Coaching cues:
During the back squat, bring your belly button toward your spine, squeeze your stomach, and without releasing your tight position, send your hips back and down.

CAP Demo | Dumbbell Bench Press
The Back Squat
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
Rowing Technique Tips

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Thursday 240912

Rest Day

Featured Article:
Coaching the Low Catch

When doing Olympic lifts, it's essential to master both components: lifting the bar and dropping under it. Many CrossFit athletes struggle with the latter, often defaulting to lifting the bar higher rather than combining both actions. Learn a series of progressive exercises focused on the snatch and clean to help you develop the necessary skills to pull and drop under the bar effectively. These exercises include the snatch-grip squat press, overhead squat, and snatch balance, among others. Proper technique, mental preparation, and the guidance of a knowledgeable coach are critical as you learn and perform these lifts.

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Monday 240909

Every 3 minutes for 7 sets:
5 squat snatches
15 bar-facing burpees

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

Post fastest and slowest time to comments.

Today’s workout is meant to be sprint efforts. The loading of the squat snatch is meant to be on the heavier side. This will force most athletes to perform 5 fast singles in each set. Push the pace on the burpees and finish as quickly as possible. Scale the loading of the barbell and the number of burpees to complete each set in 2 minutes or less, giving you at least 1 minute of rest between sets.

Intermediate option:
Every 3 minutes for 7 sets:
5 squat snatches
15 bar-facing burpees

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
Every 3 minutes for 7 sets:
5 hang power snatch + overhead squats
10 bar-facing burpees

35 lb
45 lb

The Snatch
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Hang Power Snatch
The Overhead Squat
What Is a Snatch?

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Sunday 240908

Rest Day

Featured Article:
Three Important Ab Exercises

The value of the glute-ham developer (GHD) sit-up, hollow rock, and L-sit as effective exercises for abdominal and hip flexor development cannot be understated. Some believe these movements, particularly the GHD sit-up, are harmful or ineffective for targeting the abs. This article emphasizes the importance of correct form and muscle engagement to reap the full benefits, such as improved midline stabilization, shoulder strength, and hip flexor function. In many conventional fitness programs, crunches are the staple. In CrossFit, we recommend a balanced approach that includes hip extension exercises like squats and deadlifts to complement abdominal training.

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Tuesday 240903

For time:
25 hang power cleans
50 front squats
25 hang power cleans

♀ 115 lb
♂ 165 lb

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Today’s workout is a pyramid-style chipper with a moderately heavy load. Aim to complete the cleans in at least sets of 5 reps and expect the front squats to be a grind. In both movements, hang on for one more rep than you think you can. Focus on keeping the elbows high during the front squats and leading with the elbows out of the bottom of each rep.

Intermediate option:
For time:
25 hang power cleans
50 front squats
25 hang power cleans

75 lb
115 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
15 hang power cleans
30 front squats
15 hang power cleans

55 lb
75 lb

The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
Going Deep in the Squat

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Thursday 240829

Rest day

Featured Article

Training at a CrossFit affiliate is an ideal scenario. Here, we have all the necessary equipment and a built-in community of friends, supporters, and coaches dedicated to our success. But even if we go to a great affiliate, that doesn’t mean we need to forgo our own gym. With a workout area at home, we can work on the many movements included in CrossFit programming any time we want. Knocking out a few pull-ups or muscle-up transition drills while watching our favorite TV show is a great strategy to improve our pull-ups or muscle-ups. Every morning or evening is an opportunity to do some mobility work and practice air squats, thrusters, handstands, or any other skill we want to master.

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Tuesday 240827

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Goal is 85% and above on every set

Rest 3 to 4 minutes between sets.

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The goal here is to start heavy and stay heavy. For those who know their recent max, holding 85% and above will be a great challenge. For all athletes, and particularly those who are newer to strength days, work at a weight that is challenging, but still enables you to maintain sound mechanics.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

To make a lift more challenging, add an active pause at the bottom of the squat instead of increasing the weight. Strength will come from the quality and the time under tension, rather than from a heavier load on a single squat, especially if you load suboptimal positions.

The Back Squat

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Friday 240823

Muscle snatch 1-1-1 reps

Snatch balance 1-1-1-1 reps

Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps

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The goal of this session is to use the muscle snatch and snatch balance to build confidence with a heavier load and get ready to PR your squat snatch. If you need to scale the complexity of the movement, you can reduce the load or the range of motion for both the snatch balance and the squat snatch.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Hang muscle snatch 1-1-1 reps

Overhead squat 2-2-2-2 reps

Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps

The Muscle Snatch
The Snatch Balance
The Snatch
The Overhead Squat
The Hang Power Snatch

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Tuesday 240820

2-4-6-8-10 reps for time of:
Push jerks
Front squats

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

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This is intended to be 5 to 8 minutes of work. Quality of movement will be rewarded compared with the grunt work from yesterday. This workout should be done after strong technique practice to focus on hip extension and the receiving position in the jerk, and bar path and the front rack in the front squat.

Some athletes should expect to be able to complete each set unbroken, but there is still value in staying heavy if you need to break the sets of 6 and 8 in half and the set of 10 into as many as 3 sets if necessary to preserve sound technique.

Intermediate option:
2-4-6-8-10 reps for time of:
Push jerks
Front squats

105 lb
155 lb

Beginner option:
2-4-6-8-10 reps for time of:
Push jerks
Front squats

55 lb
75 lb

The Push Jerk
The Front Squat

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Friday 240816

Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets for max load:

1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 shoulder-to-overhead

-Add load as technique allows.

Today’s workout is a lifting complex. Once you perform the power clean, the barbell should not return to the ground until you complete the shoulder-to-overhead or if you fail a rep. The goal is to build up to your heaviest weight in the complex. After completing the complex, you should have around 2:30 of rest. Take this rest time to recover and prepare for the next lift. During this time, you can also add weight, subtract weight, or keep it the same.

All athletes should not let their intensity overshadow the importance of lifting with proper technique. If your technique is good, then add load. If you feel yourself getting sloppy, reduce the loading or try to improve your technique at the same load.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets:

1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead

-Add load as technique allows.

Coaching cues:
Do you catch yourself jumping forward during your cleans? It could be due to an early arm pull. Think about shrugging the bar up to your shoulders and only bending your elbow at the very last moment to pull your body under the bar.

The Power Clean
The Hang Squat Clean
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
The Push Press
The Push Jerk

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Wednesday 240814

4 rounds for time of:

15 box jumps
400-meter run

♀ 30-inch box
♂ 36-inch box

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Compare to 221107.

Today’s workout should be a moderate time-domain effort. The 15 high box jumps are meant to be a challenge, particularly after running hard. Choose a manageable box height, but one that is a little outside your comfort zone. If you can, select a box that allows you to jump instead of performing step-ups to a taller box (barring an injury). Prior to starting the workout, practice using your hands to get down from the top of the box. Once you are standing tall on top of the box, squat down and place your hands on the box. With your hands on the box, you can step down to the ground or jump down. This will speed up your transition between reps and make the descent off the box safer.

Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time of:

15 box jumps
400-meter run

24-inch box
30-inch box

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:

15 box step-ups
400-meter run

12-inch box
20-inch box

Coaching cues:
If you catch yourself landing hard on your box jumps, think about bringing your knees up as you jump and landing as quietly as you can. This will improve efficiency and save energy.

The Box Jump
The Box Step-Up

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Tuesday 240813

4 rounds for time:

25-foot handstand walk
25 pull-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 push-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 sit-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 air squats

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Today’s workout is a twist on the classic CrossFit benchmark Angie. Expect this variation to be disorienting and require more upper-body strength and stamina. This added challenge should cause you to manage your reps and think about strategic breaks. For example, breaking the pull-ups into consistent sets of 5-10 and minimizing rest between sets. Even though your capacity may allow for more, these strategic breaks can keep you “fresh” for longer and keep you in control of your workout.

Typically, Angie should be completed in 20 minutes or less. With the added challenge in today’s variation, athletes should aim to complete this workout in 30 minutes or less.

Less-experienced athletes should reduce the distance of the handstand walks and the reps of the other movements. Consider one of the options below based on your capacity and experience.

Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time:

15 shoulder taps *Choose from the options below
15 pull-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 push-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 sit-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 air squats

*In a handstand against the walk
*With feet on a box
*In a pike position on the floor

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time:

15-foot bear crawl
10 jumping pull-ups
15-foot bear crawl
10 push-ups from the knees
15-foot bear crawl
10 sit-ups
15-foot bear crawl
10 air squats

Coaching cues:
Struggling to stay inverted during your handstand walks? It’s all about commitment. Allow your feet to come fully forward of your body as you press the support arm into the ground with an engaged midline and active shoulder, moving one hand at a time.

The Handstand Walk
The Kipping Pull-Up
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Push-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Air Squat

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Monday 240805

2012 Chipper

For time:
10 overhead squats
10 box jump-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 toes-to-bars
10 burpee muscle-ups
10 toes-to-bars
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jump-overs
10 overhead squats

♀ 105-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box, 95-lb thruster, 125-lb clean
♂ 155-lb overhead squat, 24-inch box, 135-lb thruster, 205-lb clean

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Compare to 200929.

This event was a premiere for the down-and-back-style chipper at the 2012 CrossFit Games and included several unique features, such as the fat bar for thrusters and the requirement to complete a burpee between muscle-up reps. Rich Froning Jr. handily completed the event in 7:06, while Julie Foucher put up the fastest women's time of 7:43.

For most, this is a moderate-duration pyramid-style chipper. Adjust the loading for each barbell to allow you to finish the 10 reps in 2 sets or less. As for the burpee muscle-ups, choose a variation that allows you to complete all 10 reps in 3 minutes or less (e.g., lower the rings so you can perform a jumping muscle-up, burpee chest-to-ring pull-up, burpee chin-over-ring pull-up, or burpee ring row).

Intermediate option:
For time:
10 overhead squats
10 box jump-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 toes-to-bars
10 burpee chest-to-ring pull-ups
10 toes-to-bars
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jump-overs
10 overhead squats

75-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box, 65-lb thruster, 95-lb clean
115-lb overhead squat, 24-inch box, 95-lb thruster, 135-lb clean

Beginner option:
For time: 10 overhead squats
10 box step-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 hanging knee raises
10 burpee ring rows
10 hanging knee raises
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box step-overs
10 overhead squats

35-lb overhead squat, 12-inch box, 35-lb thruster, 35-lb clean
45-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box,45-lb thruster, 45-lb clean

Coaching cues:
To maximize efficiency in the box jump-over, think about jumping high, landing softly on the box, turning around, and stepping down backward before jumping immediately up into the next rep.

The Overhead Squat
CAP Demo | Box Jump-Over Variations
The Thruster
The Power Clean
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The Kipping Muscle-Up

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Friday 240802

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug. 4, 2024

Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:

5 squat clean and jerks
Max-rep feet-elevated ring rows

Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat for a total of 5 sets.
Use 70% of your best squat clean and jerk.

Post load and reps to comments.

Five squat clean and jerks at 70% should feel heavy but manageable. Heavy lifters may need to reduce this to 65-67%. Focus on good-quality positions when you pull off the floor and when you descend into your dip. Today, the first pull and the dip are important for consistent reps. Some of you may be able to do these 5 reps in 30-40 seconds, but for the sake of today, focus on making all 5 reps identical. If that takes a full minute, that’s OK. This is crucial because we are fatiguing the upper back and core with the feet-elevated ring rows. This is why our goal today is technical endurance. We can’t use a weight that deteriorates under fatigue, so if you tend to perform less technically sound when tired, reduce the load on the barbell and control the work/rest on the ring rows.

When we look at our favorite CrossFit athletes who seem to lift perfectly even when tired, it’s because they perform sessions like these, where the goal is qualitative and not quantitative.

GOALS: Power and technical endurance

ADVANCED AND BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: Quality reps on the clean and jerk, sets of 5 on ring rows

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
5 squat clean and jerks
Max-rep ring rows

Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat for a total of 5 sets.

♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb

Coaching cues:
Technical endurance is an athlete’s ability to maintain a high degree of proficiency in a given movement(s) throughout a workout. This could mean moving along straighter lines, minimizing errant movement, and/or capitalizing on the concept of core-to-extremity movement patterns. Maintaining the ideal technique for a single rep is one thing, but doing so for an entire workout requires time and practice. Anyone can move fast, but to move quickly with a high degree of proficiency is an art form.

The Clean and Jerk
The Ring Row

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Wednesday 240731

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug. 4, 2024

On a running 35-minute clock:

From 0:00-12:00

Every 3 minutes for 4 sets:
5 back squats

From 12:00-17:00

From 17:00-35:00

5 rounds, each for watts:
Max watts row or bike (cap at 20 seconds)*
12 Russian kettlebell swings
6 wall-ball shots
- Rest 1:30 between sets.

♀ 75% of your best back squat, 53-lb kettlebell, and 20-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible
♂ 75% of your best back squat, 70-lb kettlebell, and 30-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible

We’re doing something different today — a power endurance workout. Our goal is to try to hit a max wattage each time we get on a machine. You’ll ramp up the machine as hard as you can and look at your watts. The watts will tick up but eventually begin to drop. Once that happens, you’re done on the rower. This should take between 15-20 seconds. Less-experienced athletes may struggle to hit max watts and that’s normal. This is why we cap it at 20 seconds. Hit a hard effort for 20 seconds with everything you’ve got, then move on to the Russian kettlebell swings.

If you’ve never done this wattage ramp-up before, give it a go as a practice round before you start the workout to see what numbers you should be looking for.

The kettlebell swings are a great power endurance tool and the goal is to have a constant dynamic hip extension and continuous leg drive. Don’t think about pulling the bell up, think about continuously pushing down.

The wall-ball shots are all about power. Use a heavier medicine ball than you’d normally use. Your goal will be to throw each rep as high as possible. Don’t worry too much about cycling these reps. If you need to catch the medicine ball and reset for each rep, that’s OK. We’re focused on the concentric portion of this movement and the eccentric position should be controlled to allow us maximum force when we throw upward. Have fun!

*Max-wattage row or bike means once you start to move, you want to hit a max wattage as fast as possible. You are done when the watts start to drop consistently. This should take around 15 seconds or 10-12 strokes. Cap your effort at 20 seconds.

DAMPER: Use a damper relative to your weight and strength. Bigger, stronger athletes can set the damper to 7-10; smaller athletes should use a damper setting around 6-9.

GOAL: Strength and power endurance

ADVANCED ATHLETE TARGET: 75% on back squats, max efforts on the machine for each set (M: 800-900+, W: 650-750+)
BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: Quality depth on back squats and rigid midlines, hard efforts on machine

Intermediate option:
On a running 35-minute clock:

From 0:00-12:00

Every 3 minutes for 4 sets:
5 back squats

From 12:00-17:00

From 17:00-35:00
5 rounds, each for watts:

Max watts row or bike (cap at 20 seconds)*
12 Russian kettlebell swings
6 wall-ball shots
- Rest 1:30 between sets.

♀ 75% of your best back squat, 35-lb kettlebell, and 14-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible
♂ 75% of your best back squat, 53-lb kettlebell, and 20-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible

Beginner option:
On a running 35-minute clock:

From 0:00-12:00

Every 3 minutes for 4 sets:
5 back squats (technical load*, across all sets)

From 12:00-17:00

From 17:00-35:00
5 rounds, each for watts:

Max watts row or bike (cap at 20 seconds)*
8 Russian kettlebell swings
4 wall-ball shots
- Rest 1:30 between sets.

♀ 18-lb kettlebell and 6-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible
♂ 26-lb kettlebell and 10-lb medicine ball to a target as high as possible
* The technical load for your back squats should ensure you can keep a stable midline and reach proper depth.

Coaching cues:
Are your knees caving in as you get fatigued during back squats? Think about planting your feet and screwing them apart and into the ground. Feel the extra stability take hold as your knees track your toes and watch your lifts increase!

The Back Squat
Rowing Technique Tips
The Russian Swing With Jeff Martone
The Wall-Ball Shot

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Monday 240729

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug.4, 2024

5 rounds for time of:

24 air squats
16 bar-facing burpees
8 shoulder-to-overheads
4 thrusters

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

Post time to comments.

In this Interval-style workout, what jumps off the page is the shoulder-to-overhead into thrusters, but don’t ignore the effect on the legs going from the air squats to the burpees. The legs will feel pretty full and this will make the shoulder-to-overheads and thrusters spicy! Because of this, you may get “toesy.” Avoid loading the quads so it doesn’t result in a muted hip, a poor dip and drive in the shoulder-to-overhead, and thrusters that feel more difficult than they should. Perform quality movement despite the leg and arm fatigue — that’s how you gain technical endurance and become efficient under fatigue.

Use the weight you would for DT — something moderate, a 6.5 out of 10. You should be able to perform the shoulder-to-overheads unbroken but not without some challenge. Focus on the quality of your dip and drive, whether you’re choosing to do push presses or push jerks.

You should feel pressure in your entire foot/feet and good tension in the front rack.

GOAL: Stamina

ADVANCED ATHLETE TARGET: 2 minutes per round, unbroken shoulder-to-overheads
BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: 2-2:25 per round, consistent depth on squats, and stability on shoulder-to-overheads

Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:

24 air squats
16 bar-facing burpees
8 shoulder-to-overheads
4 thrusters

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

75 lb
115 lb

Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:

18 air squats
10 burpee step-overs
8 shoulder-to-overheads
4 thrusters

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
Though you might be tempted to shorten the air squat range of motion during today’s sprint-style interval workout, consider this: The bottom position of the squat is nature’s intended sitting posture and the rise to full hip extension is the foundation of all sound human movement. Powerful, controlled hip extension is necessary for elite athleticism.

Short-changing your squats in this case, though giving you more time to rep out thrusters, will only impede your potential in the long run — both inside and outside the gym.

The Air Squat
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
The Thruster

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Thursday 240725

Rest Day


60-minute walk

We often underestimate how good a nice leisurely walk can feel with no other goal than simply going for a walk. No ruck, no jog — just walking.

Featured Article:
Why Doctors Prescribe (And Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

“In a world where we can go almost anywhere and get almost anything at the touch of a button, it’s easy to forget that movement isn’t merely a lifestyle choice, and exercise isn’t just for the fitness fanatics.

“You may be able to summon dinner and a ride with a few taps on your phone, but who are you gonna call when you can’t get off the can?

“‘A person who cannot squat, for instance, cannot get off a toilet; cannot get out of a chair,’ said Dr. Stephen Luther, a board-certified primary-care doctor of more than 25 years.”

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Wednesday 240724

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug 4, 2024

On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Front squats

On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

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There is a method to this madness. We have three consecutive couplets on a running clock. Each couplet should be completed in under 8 minutes in order to have enough recovery to continue on with good intensity. To be able to do this, you should pull back slightly on the first couplet and make sure you are not at max effort. Having a light weight and scaling the gymnastics to movements you are 100% comfortable with is important to hit the stimulus goal. That said, because you may scale to make the movements feel “easy,” you may fall into the trap of going too hard too soon.

This is threshold training — we need to work at or close to the threshold for three “intervals.” The first couplet has 110 total reps, the second has 90 total reps, and the last has 60 total reps. The degree of difficulty of the gymnastics movement lessens, but the range of motion increases. The most important factor is you, managing your effort. Speed has a cost and we need to save up to make sure we’ve got enough left over to buy out of today’s training!

GOAL: Threshold training
ADVANCED & BEGINNER: 6- to 7:30-minute time domain

Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Jumping pull ups
Front squats

On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hanging knee raises to chest
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters

55 lb
75 lb

Beginner option:
On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Front squats

On the 10:00
15-12-9 reps for time of:
AbMat sit-ups
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpee step-overs
10 thrusters

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
If you’re finding it hard to keep an upright torso in the front squat, imagine there’s a rope attached to your elbows that is pulling up throughout the entire movement. Keep those elbows up and notice how your torso follows suit, helping you to maintain a neutral spine and sound squat mechanics.

The Kipping Pull-Up
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Ring Row
The Front Squat
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Hang Power Clean
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Thruster

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Saturday 240720

3 rounds for time of:

50 alternating single-leg squats
3 rope climbs to 15 feet
800-meter run

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Today’s workout is a longer effort. Expect the single-leg squats to tax your hip flexors and quads, making the rope climb and run more challenging. To overcome your taxed lower half on the rope climbs, focus on a tight foot hook to minimize any amount of slippage. As for the run, focus on running taller and elongating your lower half as you head into the next round. All athletes should aim to complete each round in 10 minutes or less.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time:

30 alternating single-leg squats
2 rope climbs to 15 feet
800-meter run

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time:

30 alternating reverse lunges
4 lying-to-standing rope climbs
400-meter run

Coaching cues:
Having trouble balancing in a single-leg squat?

Try letting your chest reach forward over your knee as you descend just enough to maintain balance and reach depth below parallel.

The Single-Leg Squat
The Rope Climb (Wrap)
The Rope Climb (Basket)

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Wednesday 240717

For time:
100 strict handstand push-ups

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Today’s workout is a single-modality gymnastics effort. More advanced athletes should challenge their muscular stamina and move through the reps as quickly as possible. Less-experienced athletes who have the capacity to perform a few strict handstand push-ups should look to accumulate as many as possible in a 15-minute window. Athletes without the capacity to perform strict handstand push-ups should choose modifications that work overhead pressing strength (e.g., handstand push-up negatives — no more than 30 today — standing or seated dumbbell shoulder presses, piked push-ups, or push-ups).

Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
Strict handstand push-ups

Beginner option:
For time:

30 standing dumbbell shoulder presses
30 push-ups from the knees (as needed)

♀ 15 lb
♂ 20 lb

Coaching cues:
Just as your feet generally point forward in a squat, your hands should generally point forward in the handstand push-up. The hands may turn out slightly, as often do the feet in a squat, but aim to point your fingers toward the wall with thumbs toward each other to maximize balance and strength throughout each rep.

The Strict Handstand Push-Up
Handstand Push-Up Variations
HSPU and You: Master the Movement

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Tuesday 240716

10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Squat snatch
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

Post time to comments.

Today’s workout is meant to be a sprint with heavy legs. Athletes who are proficient with the squat snatch and fast with their change of direction on the shuttles can complete this workout in around 8 minutes. However, most athletes can expect their legs to be full of lead after the first round. Stay focused on your squat snatch technique and do not take one rep for granted. Missing a rep in this workout can be devastating. Intermediate athletes who are looking to get stronger should challenge themselves to use a heavier load and scale the reps to 5-4-3-2-1. This will be a great way to target a strength weakness. However, do not mistake the increased loading with a neglect of technique. If you want to increase the weight and your strength in this movement, your technique needs to be on point.

Intermediate option:
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Squat snatch
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Power snatch + overhead squat
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
When overhead squatting think, "rotate and elevate.”

With a PVC or stick, relax your shoulders. Rotate your arms until your elbows face the ground and your armpits are forward. Now, elevate by pressing up into the barbell.

The Snatch
The Power Snatch
The Overhead Squat
What is a Snatch?

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Tuesday 240709

For load:
Back squat

Post load to comments.

Compare to 240105.

Build throughout the 8 sets, starting with something moderately heavy and finishing with a very heavy single. Remember that “heavy” is relative to each athlete. A heavy load requires all your focus and effort.

– A heavy set of 10 reps should be around 50-60%+.
– A heavy set of 7 reps should be around 60-70%.
– A heavy set of 4 reps should be around 70-80%.
– A heavy single for today should be 80%+.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx'd.

Beginner option:
Back squat 10-7-4-1 reps

Coaching cues:
Fight through the sticking point — drive your heels down, push your knees apart, and let your chest lead you to the top.

The Back Squat
Heavy Days
Heavy Day: Full Class Coaching Demonstration

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Friday 240705

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

In 2 minutes:

7/10-calorie Echo bike
10 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

♀ 65-lb barbell
♂ 95-lb barbell

This interval workout is designed to challenge your limits — push hard for 2 minutes, then optimize your recovery to sustain consistent performance throughout each set. Aim to complete the bike segment in around 45 seconds, with some pushing for closer to 35 seconds or less. Focus on finding a quick pace on the bike that allows you to seamlessly transition to the burpees. After finishing the 10 burpees, use the remaining time to accumulate squat clean thrusters. If you complete 50 reps, the workout is over, otherwise this is a 5-round workout for max reps.

Be sure to prioritize recovery between rounds with the one-to-one work-to-rest ratio, ensuring you maintain intensity throughout. Embrace the challenge today and aim to hold onto the barbell until the very last second!

Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes:

7/10-calorie Echo bike
10 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters*

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

55-lb barbell
75-lb barbell

Beginner option:
In 2 minutes:

5/8-calorie Echo bike
7 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters*

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

35-lb barbell
45-lb barbell

Coaching cues:
Every thruster requires moving from full flexion to full extension against gravity, challenging almost every major muscle group.

The thruster is a powerful way to push physical adaptation and improve everyday life, from moving a heavy suitcase to an overhead bin to playing with your kids, and so much more.

Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Clean
The Thruster
The Squat Clean Thruster With Nuno Costa

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Friday 240628

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Operation Red Wings

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


16 rounds for time of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 70-lb kettlebell

On June 28, 2005, an MH-47 Chinook helicopter carrying a Quick Reaction Force of eight Navy SEALs and eight Army Night Stalkers (members of the U.S. Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment) were killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. This part of the operation was an attempt to rescue Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Danny Dietz, Sonar Technician 2nd Class Matthew Axelson, and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell, who had been cut off and outnumbered by Taliban fighters during a reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines. Three of the four SEALs on the ground were killed — Murphy, Axelson, and Dietz — with Luttrell being the lone survivor. The other eight SEALs and eight Night Stalkers were killed when the MH-47 Chinook, coming in to aid the ground team, was shot down by an enemy RPG and the helicopter broke apart, crashing down into the side of a mountain.

- ¾-mile run to commemorate the three out of four SEALs killed on the ground

- 16 rounds to commemorate the 16 service members killed during the rescue attempt

- 8 toes-to-bars to commemorate the eight Night Stalkers

- 8 burpee box jump-overs to commemorate the eight SEALs

- 47 goblet squats for the MH-47 Chinook that was lost

This workout is meant to be very grueling and mentally challenging. The workout begins with a ¾-mile (or 1,200-meter) run. From there, it’s a 16-round couplet of 8 toes-to-bars and 8 burpee box jump-overs. It’s a relatively small amount of work for 1 round, but it will compound over time. The redundancy will make this as much of a mental test as a physical one, so keep your head in it and find a way to keep yourself going. After the 16th round is complete, the workout finishes with 47 goblet squats. All athletes should reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet challenging.

Intermediate option:

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


12 rounds for time of:
6 knees-to-chest
6 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 35-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell

Beginner option:
For time:

600-meter run


8 rounds for time of:
6 hanging knee raises
6 burpee box step-ups


47 air squats

12-inch box
20-inch box

Coaching Cues:
The figure-4 position is key to efficient running mechanics. To continue to develop running skills, practice standing with one leg up in a figure-4 hold.

Keep your shoulders over your hips, hips over your heel, and the heel of your lifted leg in line with the knee.

From there, work on quickly switching legs and holding the figure-4 without changing your overall body position.

Take these positions into your warm-up and workout for Operation Red Wings, and notice the difference in efficiency and speed!

Running Workshop: Pose Alignment
The Kipping Toes-to-bar
The Burpee Box Jump-Over
More on Operation Red Wings

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Monday 240624

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

At 0:00:
12 squat cleans, weight 1
36 pull-ups
12 squat cleans

At 10:00:
6 squat cleans, weight 2
18 bar muscle-ups
6 squat cleans

♀ 105 lb and 155 lb
♂ 155 lb and 225 lb

Today, we have two sprint-style chippers with rest in between. For the first chipper, the load of the barbell should feel light to moderate, allowing you to do touch-and-go reps. On the second chipper, the load should be considerably heavier with most athletes doing singles on the barbell. Don’t be surprised if the pull-ups and bar muscle-ups feel more challenging coming off the squat cleans. Modify the pull-ups to jumping or assisted pull-ups, and the bar muscle-ups to jumping bar muscle-ups or pull-ups. We want to ride the line of keeping the foot on the gas, but not blowing up on the gymnastics movements. Trust yourself and let’s see what you’ve got!

Intermediate option:
At 0:00:
12 squat cleans, weight 1
24 pull-ups
12 squat cleans

At 10:00:
6 squat cleans, weight 2
12 bar muscle-ups
6 squat cleans

65 lb and 95 lb
95 lb and 135 lb

Beginner option:
At 0:00
12 squat cleans
24 ring rows
12 squat cleans

At 10:00:
6 squat cleans
12 burpee pull-ups*
6 squat cleans
* Pull-up bar should hit the athlete’s forearm when arms are extended overhead.

35 lb
45 lb

Guest Programming: Learn more about Christian Harris and watch his welcome video.
The Clean
The Kipping Pull-up
The Kipping Bar Muscle-up
The Ring Row
The Burpee Pull-up With Greg Amundson

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Friday 240621

For time:
Medicine-ball cleans

♀ 14 lb
♂ 20 lb

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Don’t underestimate today’s workout. The medicine-ball clean is deceptive and very effective. The load should be light and allow you to perform at least 20 reps unbroken. Some athletes may be able to go unbroken on all sets. Even though the ball is light, don’t cheat the movement. Focus on hitting full hip extension and pulling your body under the ball on each rep. Sneaking under the ball before full hip extension may be faster, but that technique will only get you so far when it comes to a squat clean with a heavy barbell. Less-experienced athletes should reduce the load and reps of the cleans as well as the difficulty of the double-unders.

Intermediate option:
For time:
Medicine-ball cleans

10 lb
14 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
Medicine-ball cleans

6 lb
10 lb

The Medicine-ball Clean
The Double-under
The Single-under
Medicine-ball Clean Progression

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Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff at a Level 2 Seminar at CrossFit Marrickville in Marrickville, Australia.

Saturday 240615

3 rounds for time of:
10 muscle-ups
10 forward rolls
20 alternating single-leg squats
20-meter handstand walk

Compare to 101203.

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Today’s workout is a bit off the beaten path and will definitely get you out of your comfort zone. This workout is a true expression of coordination, agility, accuracy, and balance (the neurological skills in the 10 general physical skills). Without these skills, learning new movements and connecting the dots becomes very difficult. For most, expect this workout to be on the slower, less-intense side of fitness — this is OK. Today is a great day to practice skills and challenge yourself with new movements. Less-experienced athletes should reduce the difficulty of each movement, but maintain the movement function to the best of their ability (e.g., scale the handstand walk to a bear crawl). Have fun today!

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
5 muscle-ups
10 forward rolls
20 alternating single-leg squats
10-meter handstand walk

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
5 low-ring muscle-up transitions
5 forward rolls
20 alternating reverse lunges
10-meter bear crawl

The Muscle-up
The Forward Roll
The Single-leg Squat
The Handstand Walk
The Bear Crawl

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Featured photo:
Bear Crawls at the 2022 CrossFit Games Mock Affiliate

Friday 240614

"The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans
6 push-ups
9 air squats

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles to comments.

Compare to 230506.

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the U.S. Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate "The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission, and devotion to country.

Today we have a benchmark workout that was introduced in September of 2008. The goal is to choose options that allow you to perform at least 3 rounds per cycle. The load of the barbell should be relatively light and allow for touch-and-go reps. Push the gas pedal down on this workout and try to hang on while maintaining full range of motion for each movement. Can anyone reach 30 rounds? Less-experienced athletes should reduce the load and the total number of cycles. Let’s get after it today!

Intermediate option:
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans
6 push-ups
9 air squats

85 lb
125 lb

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Beginner option:
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans
6 push-ups from the knees
9 air squats

35 lb
45 lb

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.

The Power Clean
The Push-up
The Air Squat

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Featured photo:
Taken by RXdPhotography in London, England.

Monday 240603

As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 ring muscle-ups
8 back squats

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

Post total rounds and reps to comments.

Today’s workout is on the shorter side, but advanced athletes will be able to accumulate a good amount of volume. Less-experienced athletes should adjust the movements to perform at least 1 round every 2 minutes. If you are performing the prescribed number of ring muscle-ups, you should be able to complete 4 reps in 1 minute or less. The barbell should be a moderate weight you can move for unbroken reps in each round. Push the pace on the back squats and give yourself as much time as possible for the muscle-ups.

Intermediate option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
2 ring muscle-ups
8 back squats

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

Beginner option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 low-ring muscle-up transitions
8 back squats

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

The Kipping Muscle-up
The Back Squat

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Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff at the Oceania Semifinal by Torian Pro.

Friday 240531

As many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 hang power cleans
7 front squats

♀ 145 lb
♂ 205 lb

Post total rounds and reps to comments.

Moving this moderately heavy barbell is going to get way more metabolic than you want it to. Use a load that allows you to complete the hang power cleans in 1-3 sets and the front squats in 1-2 sets throughout the entire workout. Breaks are expected, however, the goal is to keep marching forward and maintain at least 1 round every 2 minutes.

Intermediate option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 hang power cleans
7 front squats

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

Beginner option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 hang power cleans
7 front squats

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat

One More Weekend of Semifinals Competition!
Read: "How To Watch the 2024 CrossFit Semifinals"

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Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff at the Oceania Semifinal by Torian Pro.

Monday 240527


For time:
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
*If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.


Hero workout of your choice

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

Post your choice of workout and result to comments.

If you perform Murph, don’t forget to log your score in the Progress tab in the CrossFit app.

You can also support the Murph Challenge by officially registering at themurphchallenge.com or by donating directly to the LT Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation at murphfoundation.org.

Today’s workout was created in 2005 in memory of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, New York, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites, and he’d named it “Body Armor.” It is now referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Compare to 230529.

By design, most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a very high volume of reps. Keep in mind that “challenging” is a relative term and athletes should adjust workouts to align with their physical and psychological tolerances. If you are performing Murph, partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Consider 20 sets of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats or 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, and 30 air squats. If you have completed Murph previously, consider performing the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats unpartitioned. Beginner athletes should reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet still challenging.

Intermediate option:
For time:
Run 1 mile
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
Run 1 mile

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 25 minutes into your workout.


Hero workout of your choice.

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

Beginner option: For time:
Run 800 meters

Then, 10 rounds of:
5 ring rows
10 push-ups with hands elevated on a box
15 air squats

Then, run 800 meters

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 20 minutes into your workout.


Hero workout of your choice.

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

The Kipping Pull-up
The Push-up
The Air Squat
Murph Hero Workout
Memorial Day Murph: An Origin Story
Fallen But Not Forgotten: How CrossFit’s Hero Workouts Honor Fallen Service Members
Download the CrossFit Games app

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Featured photo:
The Murph Challenge
