**"Diane" **
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift 225
Handstand push-ups
This is 3 rounds; the first at 21 reps, the second at 15, and the third at 9 reps. Compare your time to August 5, 2003 when we did a "mini-Diane" at 15-12-9 reps. It's expected that you'll need to partition the sets, e.g., Deadlift 7-7-7 & Handstand push-up 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 as a first round. Interval management - work/rest timing to optimize time - is an essential skill.
If the load is too much under any partitioning scheme, reduce it. If you need help with the handstand push-up, take it in any manner you can get it. If the handstand push-up (HSPU) is clearly beyond your current capacity, substitute a standing dumbbell shoulder press (hip and leg free). Though a less functional press, the standing shoulder press is a closer simulation to the HSPU than the more functional push-press or jerk. The point is that there's a manageable substitution for this workout for everyone that preserves both its mechanical and metabolic characteristics - this will be "your Diane."
Post time and any needed modifications to comments.
Kurt Bowler brought his tire (and homemade stone) to CrossFit North for the CrossFit Challenge in Seattle last weekend and our crews were like kids at the petting zoo lining up for a piece of that thing. Tire flipping is wildly functional, hard as hell, and loads of fun. Here are three good links, ordered from less to more detailed, on the essentials of tire flipping:
Bootcamp Fitness
Ontario Strongman
Manitoba Association of Strength Athletics