WOD Demo: Box Jumps, Inverted Burpees

ByCrossFit October 3, 2022

Michaela Dotterweich of CrossFit Gymnastics offers tips on today’s workout:

5 rounds for time of:

10 box jumps
10 inverted burpees

♀ 30-in box ♂ 36-in box

Post time to comments.

In the inverted burpee, rock from a supine position on the floor to standing and then into a controlled handstand. If that is too difficult, move your body through a similar range of motion, from lying to standing to inverted on your hands. Jump to a box that is high for you.

Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 box jumps
10 inverted burpees

♀ 20-in box ♂ 24-in box