Seeking Fitness; Finding a Tribe

ByBrittney SalineFebruary 9, 2023

When I lost heat in my apartment, it was a fellow CrossFit athlete who brought me a space heater.

When I needed a place to live, it was a fellow CrossFit athlete who gave me a room in her house.

When my car broke down — both times — CrossFit athletes lent me a vehicle.

When I bought my first house, fellow members from my gym hauled the boxes, packed them into the truck, and carried them over the threshold.

Job interviews. Networking opportunities. Repairs. Roommates. Rides. Advice. Emotional support. Meals. Friendships. Best friendships. Mentors. Family.

Four to five times per week, I move large loads long distances quickly with my fellow affiliate members. Every day, we lift each other up — and so do hundreds of thousands of CrossFit athletes all over the world.

A group of happy CrossFit athletes high-five each other

“People walk into a CrossFit gym thinking they are getting “just a workout,” but they end up with so much more.”


Members of CrossFit Ridzo pose for a photo

CrossFit Ridzo

“When my dad was in the midst of battling cancer, my mom and dad’s house burned down. He was scheduled to have surgery the very next month, and they had no home for him to recover in. Of course they moved in with me (daughter) since I lived next door! When my CrossFit family heard the news, they all got together and collected money to give to me and my parents for whatever might be needed. They gave it to me … that very week, and I was so overwhelmed with their kindness and generosity. I already knew they were the best box ever, but that sealed the deal. Fast-forward one year later when my sweet daddy left this Earth to go be with Jesus, my three coaches were there supporting me during the viewing and visitation. It meant the absolute world. I’ve been a member since Ridzo was founded, and these people don’t just work out with you — they do life with you. Forever grateful, and forever family.” —Candace Gibson, CrossFit Ridzo


“Like anything else in life, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes you look like a badass, sometimes you’re a crying mess. But no matter how hard you struggle, we won’t let you give up on yourself. We love you anyway.”


“Before Babylon CrossFit, I felt disconnected to my gym and my own fitness. I would push myself to work out for hours on my own and did not really understand how to support my body through movements. Finding an LGBTQ-affirming box changed everything for me. Babylon CrossFit was warm, supportive, and challenging all at once.  I felt healthier balance in my fitness journey because I felt connected to the people in my classes and could learn from them and the coaches in an affirming environment.  Not only did I lose 70-plus pounds, I lost that feeling of isolation. I identified with my fellow athletes and saw myself in them. Trish Evangelista, the owner, hangs the Pride progress flag in our box and organizes Pride events like tie-dyeing shirts as a box community fundraiser for local charities and our gym attending our village’s Pride Parade together.  Not only are many of the members part of the LGBTQ community, but many of the coaches are as well. Allies are abundant at Babylon CrossFit. My health has dramatically improved as a result of this amazing vibe between the athletes I work out with. I am forever grateful for the ‘One Village, One Community’ motto at Babylon CrossFit, which allows me not only to receive support but to engage in giving back.” —Mark Mihopulos, Babylon CrossFit

“When we show up honestly and imperfectly and stretch ourselves to our limits; when we celebrate each other, when we succeed and pick each other up when we fall, community is a natural outcome. A community that extends beyond the walls of the gym — just like the results we gain from our efforts within it.”


“My daughter had a stroke in February 2020 and our CrossFit family was there to support us every step of the way. They brought my car to the hospital for me, stayed with my daughter at the hospital so I could leave to take care of my business. The coaches visited her during PT sessions at rehab to offer encouragement and learn how to help her get back in the gym. Many members visited and brought our family meals. They set up a [Facebook] private group for us and helped us celebrate every milestone in her recovery even though COVID kept us from seeing each other. The coaches and members supported her and encouraged her to get back to the gym to work out and resume coaching. Even now, two years later, our coaches ask for updates on her PT, and they and the members celebrate every accomplishment as she works to regain full function of her left arm and leg. We couldn’t ask for a better CrossFit family. They step up to support every member through the good and the bad.” —Wendy Greig, CrossFit Nullis Terminis

“This to me is the real magic of CrossFit. It’s what happens when you pull everything together: the methodology and the ethos and the coach and the people attracted to all of it who take the chance to step into one of our gyms and give it all they’ve got. Put these elements together and something even bigger and better comes out: an experience that reminds you of your potential as a human; that tells you you’re home.”


Members of OV CrossFit pose for a photo beneath a pull-up rig

OV CrossFit

“I coach and work out at CrossFit OT. They’re like my second home. When my husband was out of town for work and got into a horrible motorcycle accident, my gym went above and beyond for me. They organized a community workout to help raise funds for our medical bills and to help with the other expenses that come with having to be out of town for so long. Once I got my husband home, the gym owners seriously came and picked my son up and dropped him off so he wouldn’t miss the kids class. They constantly checked in and made sure to meet whatever need presented itself. We honestly wouldn’t have made it through without CrossFit OT. We are so blown away by the love and support they showed, and we’ll be forever impacted by their kindness. They are the embodiment of CrossFit, and I am forever grateful for not just how they improve fitness levels, but the community as a whole.” —Lauren Hickman, CrossFit OT

“Someone might come to CrossFit because they want to try it, because they want a good workout, because they want to improve their health in some way. They aren’t necessarily looking to challenge themselves beyond their limits. But they show up, they put in the work, and the community — this human spark — keeps them coming back. In time, that community becomes something more than a bunch of good people sweating it out together. It becomes a lifeline.”


“My husband and I recently welcomed a child this past year. I can’t tell you the number of members that brought us in clothes, shoes, toys, and so much more to help us with our little one. Not only were they so giving with things, but many also reached out to make sure we were doing well mentally. I know many don’t even realize how much they were actually helping us in a time of need. My son is now a 1-year-old and goes to the gym with us multiple times a week. It feels like a family, and it’s nice knowing we have a great community surrounding him.” —Brooke Hull, OV CrossFit

“By remaining steadfast in our uncompromising standards, we attract — and cultivate — “our people,” and we give each other an opportunity to push beyond our perceived limits.”


Smiling members of M4G CrossFit pose for a group photo

M4G CrossFit

“Living in New York City can be exceptionally tough. The BRICK NYC community has afforded time, space, and a reprieve from the stress that is navigating the city, as well as the plethora of tough moments we all navigate on a day-to-day basis. The brief escape from the ‘real’ world is liberating and helps build a strong sense of community, especially in moments of collective struggle (e.g., having a meltdown on the Rogue Echo Bike). I am truly grateful to have what feels like a ‘home away from home’ and be around smart, caring, and athletically gifted human beings.” —Wayne Glass, Brick CrossFit Grand Central

“No matter what comes our way, together, we can survive and thrive. That’s the real promise — the real magic — of CrossFit.”


“Our community lost an amazing man this year. On September 26, Jeff Allman, a very fit 50-year-old, set a doctor’s appointment for stomach pain, and after multiple appointments was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to multiple other parts of his body. Jeff fought his cancer the Jeff Allman way, the way of a warrior, however, he lost that battle on Nov. 12. During this time, our community acted fast. One of our members, Tifani Goen, started her own T-shirt business and did a Jeff Allman shirt fundraiser and raised $2,500 for the Allman family in a matter of weeks. … We conducted multiple fundraisers for the family in a matter of weeks and created a tribute workout for Jeff we did with our community and his family after his passing. … As a CrossFit community, our greatest joy comes from the relationships built in our four walls through sweat, hard work, and laughter. The hardest part is when we lose a beloved family member, and that pain is so great because the love is so great. And to have love like that is the best gift we can ever experience.” —Becky Fouard, M4G CrossFit

“CrossFit is a safe place to push yourself into new territory of being.”


In the most technologically connected age in history, humanity is more disconnected than ever — and it’s counter to our nature.

Humans need a sense of belonging; a tribe. And they also need general physical preparedness. You can find them both in a CrossFit affiliate.