Build a CrossFit Snowman

ByLori HubbardDecember 1, 2013
Found in:Essentials


Each team must complete the exercises together to earn the pieces with which they can build a snowman resembling the trainer-built model. First team to complete its snowman wins.


You will need enough items for each team of 4-6 kids (plus a set for a model snowman). Use your imagination based on equipment availability:

  • 1 10-lb. bumper plate or hula hoop (lower body)
  • 1 10-lb. metal weight plate or smaller hoop (upper body)
  • 6 2.5-lb. plates or cut-up pool noodles (lay 2 or 3 down flat and touching for arms)
  • 1 paper cup or badminton birdie (nose)
  • 2 snap-on weight collars or 2 lacrosse balls (eyes)
  • 1 piece of string or a shoelace (mouth)
  • 1 jump rope (scarf)
  • 1 AbMat (hat)
  • 3 pieces of cut-off pool noodle or toilet paper balls (buttons)
  •  1 hula hoop (use for team Activity 3 or substitute)
  • 1 PVC pipe (for snowman barbell fun)


  • 1 long sandbag or an assistance band (hat rim)
  • 2 kettlebells or a pair of team member’s shoes (feet)


  1. Trainers build the model CrossFit snowman away from the activity area where the kids will be building theirs.
  2. Place all the remaining snowman parts in the center of the activity area.
  3. Divide the kids into teams of 4-6.
  4. List the movements you wish the kids to perform on the whiteboard, or provide each team with their own checklist on a clipboard (see activity list), which will allow for scaling the number of reps by a team if needed.
  5. Trainers explain or demonstrate the movements/ activities.

Game Play

  1. Start the game with, “Let it snow, let it snow, let it go!”
  2. Team members must perform the number of assigned reps of one of the movements on the list.
  3. Once that movement is complete, teams can retrieve the snowman item assigned to the movement they just finished from the center of the activity area.
  4. Only one movement is done at a time. Teams may complete the movements in any order that they wish, and they must only retrieve the item(s) specified for each movement.
  5. Place a check mark next to each movement once it has been completed.
  6. All team members should be given a chance to retrieve a snowman item after completing a movement.
  7. Once teams have completed all the movements and have retrieved all the snowman items, they can begin to build their snowman.
  8. Teams may look at the model of the Crossfit snowman to help them build theirs. However, there is a penalty for this: one look costs each team 5 burpees and/or a run.
  9. For older kids, add difficulty by placing a cap on the number of times a team is allowed to look at the model snowman. This will require strategizing and teamwork in terms of knowing who remembers what.


Some variations include:

  1. Provide a multiplier for the number of reps for each movement, requiring teams to use math during the workout.
  2. For preschoolers, build the snowman as a whole class so everyone feels a sense of accomplishment. Assign a trainer or assistant to each team to read and check off movements and count reps.

snowman checklist