Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 box jumps
14 kettlebell swings
Men: 36-in. box, 32-kg kettlebell
Women: 30-in. box, 24-kg kettlebell
Scroll for scaling options.
Post rounds completed to comments.
• The Box Jump
• The American Kettlebell Swing
Each round in this AMRAP should be challenging but still completed quickly if not unbroken. Reduce the height and loading in order to maintain a fast pace throughout.
Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 box jumps
14 kettlebell swings
Men: 30-in. box, 24-kg kettlebell
Women: 24-in. box, 16-kg kettlebell
Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 box step-ups
14 kettlebell swings
Men: 20-in. box, 16-kg kettlebell
Women: 15-in. box, 12-kg kettlebell
Steve Smith of CrossFit Groveland